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Oversight mission of the ECOWAS parliamentary delegation to ecowas regional competition authority (ERCA) office in Banjul

Within the Framework of the execution of the parliament oversight functions over the activities of programme implementing bodies of the Community, a delegation of the ECOWAS Parliament headed by Honourable Fagbla Ramarique Sedami  of  Benin undertook a working visit to ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority in Banjul from 11-14 September 2023.  

This mission falls in line with the Supplementary Act relating to the enhancement of the powers of the ECOWAS parliament , intended to contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of programme implementation to ensure the interests of Community Citizens as well as the integration and development goals of the community are achieved.  

Objectives of the mission among other things include:  

1. to ensure programmes being implemented by Community Institutions and Agencies align with the strategic objectives of the ECOWAS Community;   

2.  to promote and enhance transparency, accountability and efficiency in programme implementation, processes, and operations;  

3. to evaluate and advise on Community Programmes.  

The delegation of the ECOWAS Members of Parliament led by Hon. Mrs. Medegan Fagla Sedami (Benin), included Hon. Mrs. Woraye Sarr (Senegal), Hon. Mrs. Adama Sylla (Senegal), Hon. Mr. Carlos dos Santos Tavares (Cabo Verde) and hon. Mr. Billay G. Tunkara (Gambia). , The delegation met with the Executive Director and staff of ERCA in an open dialogue on activities of the Agency before embarking on courtesy visit to other stakeholders in the country including the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, the Minister of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment and the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioner of the Gambia Competition and Consumer Protection Commission.  

The Executive Director ERCA, Dr. Simeon Konan Koffi made a presentation on the mandate of ERCA, the important milestones reached since its establishment and the challenges faced by the Authority.  

The delegation expressed delight at meeting the staff to gather first-hand information on the mandate of ERCA, work conditions and the pivotal role the agency plays in promoting free trade and adherence to the community competition rules. The Parliamentary delegation also expressed its willingness to support ERCA in addressing its challenges and enhancing the visibility of the Agency in the region. 

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