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Saturday, September 23rd, 2023


Liberia: Fisheries Authority Warns Against Eating Dead Whale

The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority is warning citizens of Palm Bush Community in Duazon and parts adjacent the Silver Beach not to eat the Dead Sea animal assumed to be a sperm whale. On Thursday September 21, 2023 dozens of people from the community were seen cutting through the dead whale. In a release, NaFAA urged members of the public particularly Coastal Dwellers to immediately desist from such acts as feeding on a dead fish without knowing the cause of death could be extremely harmful to the population involved.Read More


DURING THE GENERAL DEBATE OF THE SEVENTY-EIGHTH (78TH) REGULAR SESSION OF THE UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS NEW YORK, NEW YORK, USA September 20, 2023 His Excellency Mr. Denis Frances, President of the 78th United Nations General Assembly His Excellency Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations Excellencies, Heads of State and Government; Ambassadors; Heads of Delegations; Distinguished Delegates; Ladies and Gentlemen: Let me begin by extending sympathy to all nations experiencing loss of lives due to recent natural disasters. May the souls of all the faithfullyRead More

Making Our Independence Much More Meaningful-By Tiawan Saye Gongloe

Fellow compatriots, within a couple of days, Liberians everywhere on this Planet will be commemorating our National Independence Day, which we all traditionally refer to as ’26 Day. This year’s celebration marks our 176th anniversary! Can you believe that? As a nation, we have been in existence for 176 long years. That’s about 110 years longer than Ghana’s independence, or 119 years longer than Botswana’s independence, two of the gradually developing countries of Africa. Again, as we all observe this auspicious day in our nation’s history, we all need to take aRead More

A Guide to Increasing Liberia’s $800M National Budget to Over Two Billion Dollars in 10 Years!

By: Ansu O. Dualu  Economic growth is a measure of the increase of production, services, and the output of value of anything with quantifiable indicators. It is heavily influenced by targeted decisions that enable growth to be realized. This does not materialize in a vacuum; it must be intentional or at least pushed in the direction of upward mobility. This upward growth can be felt through an increase in profit by businesses, increase in local investments and uptake in hiring decisions, increase in purchases by consumers thus further driving upRead More


In the run up to the October 10 Elections, ECOWAS has observed with great concern the development on the use of incendiary rhetoric by some political leaders and activists that could stir violent emotions, incite disturbances, and jeopardize the peace and stability of Liberia. 1. ECOWAS condemns such inflammatory statements that have the propensity to trigger violent confrontations. 2. ECOWAS urges political actors to use dialogue and mediation to address grievances and legal channels to seek redress to any concerns they may have regarding the electoral process. 3. ECOWAS continuesRead More