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Liberia Digitizes Alien Documentation-Sets To Increase Local Revenue Generation

For the first time, Liberia has moved from manual alien registration and documentation to a digitized system following the launch of the project on Monday, October 9, 2023.

The exercise now moves the country on par with others in the sub-region thereby paving the way for digitizing the alien and work permit in the country.

Digitizing the process will help relieve resource strain and generate more revenue for the government.

Speaking during the official launch of the exercise, Justice Minister Cllr. Frank Musa Dean said since the end of the decade-long civil war in 2003, the country has invested more in building the security sector with emphasis on the rule of law and human rights.

“We are pleased to be here today to participate in this very important event marking the digitization of resident permits. This will put Liberia on the map of technology,” the Minister said.

According to the minister, all travel documents such as resident permit, reentry permit, airport visas and other documents containing the exit and entry of aliens into Liberia will be digitized.

In addition to the reform, the new measures will also reduce the waiting time for alien to obtain their documents from the government.

“We want to assure foreign businesses, our foreign residents and partners that you will no longer be made to wait for any unduly length of time to obtain these documents,” he asserted.

He noted that the measure will help regulate the free movement of people whilst ensuring the security of all.

In remarks, the Commissioner General of the Immigration Service—Col. Robert Budy, said the project will accelerate the generation of revenue for the national government.

According to the Immigration Boss, the project will be implemented by Contec Global limited, an internationally acclaimed digital giant.

He said since the establishment of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN) in 1956 and now the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS), there continue to be a challenge using Biometric Technology in rendering services to the Alien Community.

In June of 2021, the then Executive Director of PPCC granted the “NO OBJECTION” request thus paving the way to proceed with issuance of “Notice of award.”

“To the Bidders from whence the contract negotiation began. After all of these negotiations were concluded, a formal contract was entered into between the Government of Liberia and Contec Global on October 19, 2021,” he said.

According to the LIS Boss, the need to digitize both the Liberian Work and Residence Permits started in 2020 as a result of joint research done by both the Ministry of Labor and the Liberia Immigration Service.

He asserted that the study showed that Liberia was far behind with its Migration Platform with regards to digital technology.

This implied that all of Liberia’s Migration System was all manual including the following: Residence Permit, Work Permit, Visa on Arrival and Re-Entry Permit among others.

“The Honorable Minister of Justice and platform Guests, with the introduction of this modern system, the Liberia Immigration Service will generate more revenue for the Liberian Government from our annual revenue generation of Five Million to Seven Million United States Dollars,” Col. Budy indicated.

Meanwhile, the LIS boss emphasized that as the Administration of the Liberia Immigration Service strives to modernize all of its services provided to the Alien Community to transition from Booklets and flying sheets to digitization, LIS says the process to digitize Airport Visa on Arrival and Re-Entry Permit is now well concourse.

For his part, LIS Deputy Commissioner General Moses Yebleh believes that the system will add value to migration in Liberia while at the same time reducing corruption.

“We believe that by digitizing these systems we are operating will ensure…that migration to our country will be opened and then the leakages in terms of government revenue will be stopped,” he anticipates.

He emphasized that all of the alien documentation process will from now be transitioned online to make migration to Liberia easier.

Meanwhile, the project implementer Contec Global has assured the government of its commitment to ensuring the process met international standards.

Veronica Monte is the regional head of the organization, who appreciated the authority for the partnership.

She said the service will be wildly accessible and inclusive through mobile, web and tablet services.

“Contec Global has been providing a wide range of secure digitized services to various governments across Africa for over two decade,” she said during her speech.

She said her organization remains committed to working with the Liberian government aimed at modernizing its services beginning with the digitalization of the alien documentation.

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