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October, 2023


President Touray Accredits Eight New Envoys to ECOWAS

Abuja, Nigeria – October 18, 2023. H.E. Dr. Omar Alieu Touray, the President of the ECOWAS Commission, received the letters of credence of eight ambassadors, today, October 18, 2023, at the ECOWAS Commission Headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria. The new envoys are H.E. Nicolas Auguste Nyouky, the Ambassador of the Republic of Senegal to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, H.E. Alejandro M. Francisco Herrero, the Ambassador of the Republic of Argentina to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, H.E. Miriam Morales Palmero, the Ambassador of Cuba to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, H.E.Read More

Liberia Prepares For Runoff Election From all indications, voters in Liberia will be heading for a second round of vote in the presidential category after none of the 20 presidential candidates won the constitutional mandate of 50 percent plus one vote to win on the first ballot. Making the pronouncement Wednesday, the Chairperson of the Elections commission—Davidetta Brown Lansana said with over 99.93 percent of the total votes counted so far, President George Weah has obtained 43.84 percent while his main rival Joseph Boakai got 43.44 percent. She said with 5,890 polling places ofRead More

Development and implementation of sustainable business and financing models for the electrification of public rural health centers and schools in Republic of Benin and Nigeria

Assignment Title: Development and implementation of sustainable business and financing models for the electrification of public rural health centers and schools in Republic of Benin and Nigeria Reference No. NG-ECOWAS-OCEM-312796-CS-CDS The ECOWAS Commission has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include the development and implementation of sustainable business and financing models for the electrification of public rural health centers and schools in republic ofRead More

ECOWAS Telecommunications Regulators Meet to Evaluate Progress of the Implementation of the Regional Regulation on Roaming

In a bid to assess the progress made in the implementation by mobile operators in the region, the ECOWAS Commission convened a meeting of focal points from the NRAs in Abuja, Nigeria on 12th and 13th October 2023. The meeting of the NRAs was preceded by a training sponsored by the Smart Africa Secretariat to reinforce the capacity of the focal points on their understanding of international mobile communications and roaming ecosystem. The training was delivered from 9th to 11th October 2023. In her address to the meeting, Ms FolakeRead More

Liberia: Sen. Sherman Retires From Politics Following Massive Defeat   Following his massive defeat in the just ended October 10 2023 elections, Grand Cape Mount County Senator Varney Sherman has retired from active politics. Making the disclosure Tuesday, at the Liberian Senate, Senator Sherman expressed disappointment in Cape Mountainas for not re-electing him despite his numerous interventions towards the development of the county over the past nine years. He said over the years, he has contributed immensely towards enacting good laws at the Liberian Senate as well as impacting the lives of people in the county. Sherman notedRead More

Liberia Heads For Presidential run-off

With none of the 20 presidential candidates obtaining 50% plus 1 vote to win on the first ballot following the counting of over 98.40% of the total vote cast, Liberians are gradually embracing themselves for a second round between incumbent President George Weah of the Coalition, CDC and the main opposition leader—Joseph Boakai of the former ruling Unity Party UP. The Chairperson of the Commission— Davidetta Brown Lansana releasing the progressive tally results Tuesday said Weah has taken a slight lead ahead of Boakai. She said with over 98.40 percentRead More

Accuracy, fairness and balance are needed in reporting on Gaza

Denmark-Release: The media has always been a key player in shaping narratives around armed conflicts. The war unfolding in Gaza confirms this truth yet again. A tide of rumours, half-truths and lies is creating intense pressure and responsibility on journalists to get the story right. As we look on in horror at the unfolding atrocities, it is of paramount importance that news media adhere scrupulously to the foundational principles of good journalism: accuracy, fairness and balance. In practice, this means that journalists – especially those not based at the sceneRead More

Forest and Carbon Harvesting: The Case of Liberia

By S.Karweaye The Perspective Atlanta, Georgia April 10, 2023 According to the UN data, deforestation produces around 12–20% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and the UN’s Redd (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) scheme is viewed as an effective way to cut emissions by buying carbon credits, or “offsets”, from developing countries who keep their forests standing. The Paris Climate Agreement recognizes REDD+ and the central role of forests in Article 5. The UN plans to preserve the world’s forests by allowing owners to trade the carbon stored in endangered forests onRead More

Liberia: Judge Outlines Precondition To Bail Out Lucas Richards

Criminal Court “A” Judge Roosevelt Z. Willie has rejected a bail bond seeking to release Lucas Richards, an American National who reportedly attempted to kill Jessica Lloyd base. In his ruling, Judge Willie said due to the absence of human sureties along with necessary documentation, the court cannot grant him bail. He ruled that the defendant bail bond will not be granted until all his requirements are met including three human sureties, a Liberian with eminence besides his bond that will stand for him, and sureties’ homes will be visitedRead More

Liberia: ECOWAS Warns Against Premature Victories Declaration

The Economic Community of West African States—ECOWAS is warning actors against unofficial declaration of elections results in Liberia. In a statement, ECOWAS says its attention has been drawn to attempts by some Liberian stakeholders to declare premature victories or put undue pressure on the National Elections Commission (NEC). The ECOWAS Commission appreciates and commends the people of Liberia for a peaceful voting process on Election Day. It calls on them to continue to exercise maximum restraint as they wait for official provisional results from the NEC. Meanwhile, the ECOWAS Commission remindsRead More