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Monday, December 11th, 2023


Liberia: Samuel Tweah Hooked For Massive Public Corruption

Controversial Finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel Tweah has been booked by the United States government for engaging in widespread public corruption. Tweah was exposed Monday, December 11, 2023 when the United States government imposed sanctions on him for engaging in acts of corruption. At least three days after the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Treasury sanctioned Monrovia City Mayor and Secretary General of George Weah’s ruling Coalition for Democratic Change, Jefferson Koijee, additional officials of the CDC-led government, including Finance Minister Samuel Tweah, andRead More

Koijee To Testify Wednesday-As Chambers Justice Overturns Judge Willie’s Ruling

Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee is expected to testify in the ongoing murder case involving former Chief Justice Gloria Musu-Scott and three other family members. The decision was reached Monday, December 11, 2023 when Supreme Court Justice In-Chambers at the Supreme Court of Liberia— Associate Justice Jamesetta Howard-Wolokollie overturned criminal court A Judge Roosevelt Z. Willie’s refusal to subpoenas Koijee based on legal reliance. Judge Willie’s refusal prompted defense lawyers to seek an appeal before the Chambers Justice for review of the lower court’s decision. Meanwhile, following hearings withRead More

Liberia Releases 2022 Malaria Indicator Survey Report

The Ministry of Health through its Malaria Control Program has launched the 2022 Liberia Malaria Indicator Survey report highlighting several progress in the fight against malaria in the country. The 2022 Malaria Indicators Survey provides population based estimates on malaria indicators including malaria prevention, case management and prevalence of malaria and anemia inform strategic planning and program evaluation. Speaking at the launch of the report Friday December 8, 2023 in Congo town, World Health Organization Resident Representative to Liberia Dr. Peter Clement said the report is impressive especially for LiberiaRead More

Liberia: Weah Invites World Leaders To Attend Boakai’s Inauguration-Says Liberia’s Democracy Is Flourishing

REMARKS BY HIS EXCELLENCY DR. GEORGE MANNEH WEAH  PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA  AT THE SIXTY-FOURTH ORDINARY SUMMIT OF THE ECOWAS  AUTHORITY OF HEADS OF STATE AND GOVERNMENT  ABUJA, NIGERIA  DECEMBER 10, 2023 Your Excellency Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR,  President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and   Chairman of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government;  Distinguished Excellencies Heads of State and Government of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS;  The President and Vice President of the ECOWAS Commission;  The Right Honorable Speaker of the ECOWASRead More

Liberia: Justice Group Welcomes US Sanctions

The International Justice Group based in the United States has welcomed the imposition of sanctions on the Mayor of Monrovia— Jefferson Koijeem who doubles as the Secretary General of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change, CDC. “The sanctions have become very necessary! impunity, justice, corruption, accountability are the issues that are very, very necessary to define the new Liberia,: IJG Executive Director Jerome Verdier asserts. On Friday, the United States Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Asset Control designated Monrovia City Mayor— Jefferson Koijee for human rights violations and actsRead More