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Liberia: Samuel Tweah Hooked For Massive Public Corruption

Controversial Finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel Tweah has been booked by the United States government for engaging in widespread public corruption.

Tweah was exposed Monday, December 11, 2023 when the United States government imposed sanctions on him for engaging in acts of corruption.

At least three days after the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Treasury sanctioned Monrovia City Mayor and Secretary General of George Weah’s ruling Coalition for Democratic Change, Jefferson Koijee, additional officials of the CDC-led government, including Finance Minister Samuel Tweah, and Senators Albert Chie and Emmanuel Nuquay have been designated in US sanctions for engaging in widespread public corruption.


“Samuel Tweah, Liberian Minister of Finance and Development Planning, and Liberian Senators Albert Chie and Emmanuel Nuquay

  • Pursuant to Section 7031(c), the United States is publicly designating Tweah, Chie, and Nuquay, afor their involvement in significant corruption by abusing their public positions through soliciting, accepting, and offering bribes to manipulate legislative processes and public funding, including legislative reporting and mining sector activity. As part of this action, their immediate family members are also designated, including their spouses Delecia Berry Tweah, Abigail Chie, and Ruthtoria Brown Nuquay,  and Tweah and Nuquay’s minor children.

Additionally, on December 8, Treasury designated Mayor of Monrovia Jefferson Koijee pursuant to E.O. 13818 for engaging, or having been a leader of an entity that has engaged in serious human rights abuse and corruption.  In addition to serious human rights abuse, Koijee engaged in corrupt acts, including bribery and misappropriation of state assets and pressuring anti-corruption investigators to halt all corruption investigations.

Additionally, on December 8, Treasury designated Mayor of Monrovia Jefferson Koijee pursuant to E.O. 13818 for engaging in or having been a leader of an entity that has engaged in serious human rights abuse and corruption.  In addition to serious human rights abuse, Koijee engaged in corrupt acts, including bribery and misappropriation of state assets and pressuring anti-corruption investigators to halt all corruption investigations.”

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