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Thursday, January 11th, 2024


Liberia: Journalist Union Expresses Concern Over Harassment of Journalist Sekou V. Sheriff by Immigration Officers

The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) has expressed deep concern regarding the recent harassment experienced by Journalist Sekou V. Sheriff at the hands of Immigration Officers at the Roberts International Airport. Sekou V. Sheriff serves as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Voice of Liberia, a Commercial Broadcaster operating in Liberia. On a business trip to Ghana, Sheriff was prevented from boarding his flight by immigration officers citing an order barring him from leaving Liberia due to a legal dispute with Commerce Minister, Mawine Diggs. Despite seeking help from politiciansRead More

Liberia: Journalist Sekou Sheriff Maintains Innocence

Liberian investigative journalist—Sekou Sheriff who doubles as the Chief Executive Officer of Voice of Liberia has denied allegations linking him to alleged acts of Criminal Coercion, Harassment, Blackmailing, and Disorderly Conduct, brought against him by Liberian Commerce Minister Mawine G. Diggs. The Minister sought and obtained a writ of arrest recently for Journalist Sheriff after he reportedly obtained classified information linking the Minister to alleged acts of compromising the states’ interest for personal gains. According to the complaint, the alleged incidents occurred between December 30, 2023, and January 4, 2024.Read More