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Liberia: Journalist Sekou Sheriff Maintains Innocence

Liberian investigative journalist—Sekou Sheriff who doubles as the Chief Executive Officer of Voice of Liberia has denied allegations linking him to alleged acts of Criminal Coercion, Harassment, Blackmailing, and Disorderly Conduct, brought against him by Liberian Commerce Minister Mawine G. Diggs.

The Minister sought and obtained a writ of arrest recently for Journalist Sheriff after he reportedly obtained classified information linking the Minister to alleged acts of compromising the states’ interest for personal gains.

According to the complaint, the alleged incidents occurred between December 30, 2023, and January 4, 2024. The charges are in violation of the New Penal Law of Liberia, specifically Sections 14.27, 14.28, and 17.3.

On January 4, 2024 journalist Sheriff was brought before the Monrovia City Magisterial court and later released after filling the necessary bill pending the adjudication of the matter.

Without going into the merit of the case, journalist Sheriff asserted that evidence in his possession is overwhelming to prove his innocence.

He believed that such an indictment is geared toward silencing him as an investigative journalist who has unearthed a number of scandals involving several foreign businesses.

On numerous occasions, Sheriff’s investigative skills have assisted the Liberia Revenue Authority to unearth a number of businesses defrauding the government in taxes.

“For me I am not afraid, we will be happy to face our accuser in court. We will go into the matter and at the end of the day; we are confident of walking as a free man,” he said whilst speaking to VoL.

Meanwhile, journalist Sheriff is calling on his supporters to remain calm as the legal proceedings unfold.

Proxy fight

For now, it is believed that several big businesses who were booked for tax evasion through Sheriff’s investigations are allegedly working with the complaint to pursue the case against the journalist.

These businesses believe this is the showiest way of silencing Sheriff; who have over the years been exposing their alleged illegal deeds.

Now that the case is ongoing, many are watching with keen interest to see how the matter will be adjudicated.


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