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“Scrupulously Pursuing The Acquisition Process” Boakai Struggles To Clarify Arrival of Controversial Earth-moving Equipment

“We are currently in the negotiation phase. No formal agreement or contract has been signed with any party. The discussions are ongoing, and no financial commitment has been made by the Government of Liberia and not a dime paid,” says President Joseph N. Boakai in a communication dated July 9, 2024 to House Speaker Jonathan Fonati Koffa.

In his controversial communication to Speaker Fonati Koffa after the House of Representatives raised a number of inquiries over the arrival of the earth-moving equipment, President Boakai said no formal deal have been consummated and not a dime have been taken from the public coffers as of the date of his communication to the House of Representatives.

“I refer to the acquisition of earth-moving equipment, commonly referred to here as “Yellow Machines. Some members of the Legislature have raised queries about the process and acquisition of the equipment. Let me first and foremost assure you and members of the Legislature that we are scrupulously pursuing the acquisition process for these machines guided by the principles of transparency and good faith,” the Liberian leader said in his communication.

Providing another conflicting account surrounding the arrival of the equipment, President Boakai intoned that the initiative originated from a conversation between he (Pres. Boakai), and a long-time friend who he has refused to name.

“This friend was moved by the spirit of solidarity and a strong desire to participate in the implementation, in the shortest possible time, of our development agenda. He offered to provide equipment in good faith and on a gentleman’s agreement,” the President said.

In the spirit of coordination, President Boakai said he acknowledged that the disbelief of many members of the Legislature and some in the public may be understandable, considering, stressing that nothing on this massive scale has been done before based on trust and confidence in the leadership of the country and certainly not in the last six years.

What are the contradictions?

Amid allegations that the Executive has already provided huge resources to unidentified individuals to bring in the equipment, the Liberian leader struggled to clarified that no funds from the Liberian treasury have been expended on this project.

“The first batch of equipment that arrived in the country was shipped at the supplier’s expense. The GOL has not incurred any costs related to the transportation or acquisition of these machines,” he said.

In an attempt to clearify issues in relation to contingency in the event of unsuccessful negotiations, the Chief Executive asserted that if the negotiations fail to yield a mutually beneficial agreement; the supplier retains the right to reclaim the equipment.

“He may choose to sell them within the Liberian market or re-export them. This ensures that the GOL is not financially burdened or contractually bound.”

At the same time, the President said he acknowledged the right of the Legislature to get involved in the event the country decides to push for further negotiation.

Boakai emphasized that he recognize and respect the role of the National Legislature in the ratification process, assuring that once the negotiations are concluded and a formal agreement is being reached, the Executive will promptly submit the necessary documents to the Legislature for consideration/ratification.

“At that point, we welcome any request for clarifications or discussions to ensure the process remains transparent and accountable,” Pres. Boakai assures.

On issues relating to maintenance Zones, the President said each county will receive requisite numbers of machines for road construction and maintenance. This setup, according to him, will guarantee the accelerated opening up of the entire country for speedy development.

“In summary, there is no contract or agreement at this moment that requires legislative ratification. We are committed to maintaining open lines of communication with the Legislature throughout this process. Once we have a formal agreement and CIF value, we will engage the National Legislature consistent with our laws. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work towards enhancing our nation’s infrastructural development,” Pres. Boakai concludes.

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