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Vice Standard Bearer Senator Jeremiah Kpan Koung and Mrs. Koung; Mrs. Kartumu Y. Boakai and My Beloved Family; Senator Nyounblee Karnga-Lawrence, Chairperson of the National Campaign Committee and Mother of the Rescue Mission; Sen. Prince K. Moye, National Campaign Manager; Sen. Darius Dillon, Chairman of Montserrado County Rescue Mission; Chairman Luther Tarpeh and Officials of the Unity Party;Sen. Prince Yormie Johnson, Vision Bearer of the MDR, Chairman, and partisans of the MDR; Senator James Biney, National Chairman of the National Patriotic Party and majority bloc of the NPP; Madam Macdella Cooper, Political Leader of the Movement for One Liberia and its officials and partisans; Professor Alaric Tokpa, and the Hon. Ciapha Gbollie, Chairman of the National Democratic Coalition;
Distinguished Leaders and Members of the Unity Party Alliance;
Our Chiefs, Elders, Opinion Leaders; Women and Youth of Liberia, Students,
Members of the Fourth Estate;
Supporters and well-wishers;
The People of Liberia;
Today I am humbled joining you to celebrate the threshold of one of the greatest revolutions ever known in Liberia.
All over the country from Cape to Cape and through rural Liberia, a movement is on the rise. It is this movement of ordinary people that have trembled the foundation of the ruling party and summoned us here today.
Our movement cuts across the country and unites our people with such enthusiastic momentum that makes me reaffirm my faith in God and his time.
I stand before you today in complete thanksgiving to God and with a deep sense of humility for the honor of serving as Standard Bearer of this great and people-centered Unity Party Alliance. This alliance, the largest and most significant political coalition ever assembled in the history of Liberia, is on the verge of altering the direction of our multiparty democracy in an election victory as never before seen.
Thank you for gathering here today as we embark on an incredible journey together—a journey of Love, Hope, Progress, and Unity.
We are all excited and optimistic about what is now a national call to rally citizens of this great country for a rescue mission to reverse the hardships so many Liberians and their families have been subjected to for the past 6 years.
Senator Koung and I and this great Team promise our unwavering commitment to serve you. WE WILL NOT FAIL YOU!
Today marks the launch of our election campaign, but it is not just a campaign for the presidency and legislature; it is a campaign for you, the voters, and for the future we envision together.
I want to assure you that your voices matter, and under our leadership, your concerns will be heard, your dreams will be respected, and your aspirations will be nurtured.
First and foremost, let me make it abundantly clear and assure you that any plans or attempts to thwart the will of the Liberian people by stealing these elections will be forcefully resisted by us, the people of Liberia, and the international community, which has invested so much in the peace and stability of this country. And as I said before, we will also leave no stone unturned to work with international prosecutors to expose and arrest those who would foster electoral violence and derail our hard-won peace.
I appreciate recent statements by some of our partners including the United States government regarding safeguarding the integrity of these elections. Preserving the sanctity of elections is of paramount importance in upholding the principles of democracy and ensuring that the will of the people is accurately represented.
While we welcome the imposition of sanctions on those who would attempt to thwart the will of the Liberian people, we call on ECOWAS, the United States, the European Union, the African Union, and organizations such as International Foundation for Electoral System (IFES) to fully, thoroughly and actively engage the process now to avert any threat that will undermine these elections by acknowledging and understanding the significance of identifying and combatting any attempts to undermine this fundamental aspect of our society.
Secondly, we recognize the challenges that lie ahead. Our society faces many foundational challenges; challenges of political marginalization of citizens in the decision-making process, economic inequalities, social injustice, corruption, hunger, disease, ignorance, insecurity, poor infrastructure, environmental degradation, youth unemployment, a drug epidemic and so much more.
In the face of these challenges, I firmly believe that within every challenge lies an opportunity for growth.
Together, we will confront these challenges head-on, with compassion and determination. We will work tirelessly to create an inclusive society, where no one is left behind, where opportunities are abundant, and where the future is brighter for each generation.
In tandem, we will improve agriculture production, improve our infrastructure including roads, ensure law and order in our society, invest in the education of young people, improve health and sanitation, prevent the degradation of our environment, and develop its potential for tourism to AREST the dire political, economic and social challenges we face as a country.
Let me emphasize that transformation will be driven by the people, and therefore education will be a major part of our agenda. A well-educated society is a thriving society. We will invest in our schools, teachers, and students, ensuring that quality education is accessible to all. By equipping our young minds with the knowledge and skills they need, we will unlock their potentials, drive innovation, enhance their dignity and secure a prosperous future for our nation.
We will not allow the resources of this country to be mortgaged by a few people for their selfish interests. The people of this country and their government under our stewardship will be equal partners in the judicious exploitation of national resources for the good of the people. If there must be economic growth from the exploitation of our resources, that growth must be equal for our people and must come with development.
Thirdly, I assure you that the transformation we seek will have transparency and accountability as the cornerstones of our administration, when given the mandate on October 10. Gone are the days when only a few people decided the fate of the country through their hidden agendas. Gone are the days when Government is seen as a center for exploitation and ill-gotten wealth.
I pledge to be a leader who listens, who engages, and who values the input of every citizen. Together, we will establish a government that fosters trust, encourages dialogue, and invites your active participation in the decision-making process. Your ideas will shape our policies, and your feedback will hold us accountable.
Fourthly, I want to stress the importance of unity. Our nation is diverse, with people from all walks of life, cultures, and beliefs. It is this diversity that makes us strong. We will celebrate our differences, fostering an environment of inclusion, respect, and understanding. We will bridge divides, heal wounds, and work towards a society where unity prevails over division and everyone will be known as Liberians not by tribe.
Together, we will build a nation that is greater than the sum of its parts. We have for over one hundred years focused on state-building, but now is the time to promote nation-building to pull our collective potential as a people for the good of Liberia.
Lastly, we will restore our respect among the comity of nations. Liberia will become the beacon of hope in the world and we intend to reverse its image as a narco-state, where it is gradually becoming a transshipment point for illegal drugs and a place of attraction for transnational criminal enterprises. Liberians will be proud of their country again, and this country will once again be the destination for people in Africa and around the world.
Fellow Liberians, our country has never been at a worse point since the restoration of democratic governance in 2006, and at this juncture in our history, there can never be a better time than now for Liberians to make one of the most important decisions to save the future of their children. I am encouraged by this great show of support.
But as we all know; this demonstration of support will have its biggest impact when you go to the polls on October 10 to vote and vote massively for the Unity Party Alliance to see the change that you demand. Knock on doors, take your children, your parents, family members, friends, and neighbors to the polling stations to vote, and be vigilant to protect the votes.
As you prepare to do so, the simple question you and all voters must ask yourselves is this: Are you better off today than you were six years ago? If the answer as we know it is no, then there can be no patriotic duty but a determination to democratically unseat this regime, curtail corruption, stop the relentless pillaging of the national coffers, and usher in a responsive and responsible government.
As we embark on this campaign, I ask for your trust, your support, and your vote.
Together, we can create a future that we can all be proud of—a future that upholds our shared values, protects our freedoms and promotes the well-being of every citizen.
Thank you for your unwavering belief in our collective potential. Let us march forward, hand in hand, towards a brighter tomorrow.
This revolution and the mass movement on the rise will mobilize our people to vote for the Unity Party, ensure our victory on October 10, boot out this decadent and failed CDC Leadership led by George Weah and join hands to reclaim the soul of our nation.
As we prepare to usher in a new leadership that inspires hope, prosperity, and unity for all Liberians, let us Think Liberia, Love Liberia, and Build Liberia.
Thank you. May God bless you all and save our dear nation.

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