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OP-ED: Why Mandingoes And Muslims Must Vote President Weah?

By: Varfley Dolleh   


In every electoral process, whether in Liberia or globally the uniqueness of societal segments, demographics, religious or tribal components become an imperative with the Mandingoes and Muslims factors in Liberia electioneering being of no exception regarding who they must vote for in the second round of the election amidst the scramble for control by the two main competitors in the race. Far from subjectivity, as a policy analyst and political scientist, it is my ardent call that Mandingoes and Muslims reject Ambassador Joseph Boakai and vote in President Weah as President for the following reasons:

Historicity of Weah’s Relationship:

Far from fabrication or political appeasement President Weah and myself came a long way having attended Muslim Congress High School and the pivotal historical roles he played in the growth of the comparative English and Arabic school in the eighties, when no one wanted to attend the school amidst bullying. Through his positive and empathetic judgment he attended the school, played for the football team leading to the development of the institution when it was being bullied as a “Mandingo School”.

In short, he was able to have removed the racist and discriminatory rants and stigma when others ran away from the school. Today, generation will acclaim him as one of the pioneers for the propagation of Islam in Liberia, inter tribal harmony, and the intellectual preservation of our interests as Mandingoes and Muslims.

Actualization of Article Fourteenth of The Constitution of Liberia:

Historians and posterity unborn in generation to come will agree and record that he is the champion of religious harmony since his ascendency as President. No President has live up to the true meaning of religious liberalism and equilibrium as compared to Weah. For the first time “Article Fourteen of the Constitution” is being fully implemented with both Muslims and Christians treated equally, void of discrimination.

For the first time we are fully practicing religious equality to a larger extent with the infusion of religious harmony; for the first time official programs are being commemorated in both churches and mosques; today more Muslims are sent to Mecca through his generosity; more food and other essential materials given Muslims during Ramadan.

Muslim And Mandingoes Empowerment:

Unlike in the past, more Mandingoes and Muslims have been absorbed in this government with an unprecedented record. They are found in all sectors of governance with impeccable records of service. Yes, indeed, even the private sectors, where our people as entrepreneurs have been empowered to do their business void of any hindrance which impacts are being felt.

Security and Peace:

Our country and community are safe and secure under Weah erasing the negative memories and stigma of the war, when Senator Prince Johnson’s and his cohorts killed them amidst the usurpation of their lands in Nimba County. Today, efforts are being made under this President to return the Mandingoes lands in Nimba County through peaceful means.

Overall Development:

Generally, away from the Muslims and Mandingoes perspectives, he has been able to infuse peace; stabilizing the economy, wherein, enhancing productivity and growth; roads network; infrastructural building and electrification of the nation among other tangible factors that would make our community prosper which will make our people to gravitate towards him in this second round election.


For these and many more supra, it is my ardent appeal to you my Mandingoes and Muslims brothers and sisters that you will vote for President George Manneh Weah in this election. Any other candidate other than Weah will be disastrous.

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of Voice of Liberia or its members.

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