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Liberia: Open Letter To Martin K. N. Kollie By Lennart Dodoo

I want to address a few things directly and honestly. First and foremost, it seems you’ve lost your moral standing to be a critic. It appears that you’ve allowed politics to cloud your judgment, and regrettably, it doesn’t seem like you’re being entirely genuine about it.
Consequently, your critiques of my work hold little weight for me, nor do they matter to our followers in the public. I understand that you may find favor with a few individuals who blindly support you and your political affiliations and it’s a shame that they do.
Martin, I have been a journalist for 14 years, and during most of that time, I provided you a platform. However, I had to discontinue that support when your bias became evident and you began using the platform to attack others. That’s not in line with responsible journalism.
Now, let’s address the issue at hand. You claim that I took Ambassador Joseph Boakai’s words out of context when I used the word “would” in his quotation.
Allow me to provide a brief English lesson. “Would” is used to express the conditional mood, indicating the consequence of an imagined event or situation. So, if your argument is that Ambassador Boakai used the ‘IF CLAUSE,’ which also expresses a condition, then your argument is essentially irrelevant.
Martin, remember that you’re not the only one who loves Liberia, and you’re certainly not the only intelligent young person in the country. Empty vessels make the most noise, while wise individuals tend to speak less. It’s the unwise who actually believe they can defend anything, wrong or not.
It’s saddens me that you’re putting yourself in the category that knows no wrong when it happens in their camp. That’s how sycophancy begins and this is bad for our country.
I’ve come to realize that you might be doing what you do for fame, whereas I do what I do for the betterment of our country. I don’t expect everyone, including you, to agree with or appreciate it.
In this election year, let’s aim for civility. Let’s all work together to ensure that the elections are free, fair, transparent, credible, verifiable, and, most importantly, peaceful.
So, go ahead and make your assumptions and labels if you wish. I will continue to report the facts as they are.
Best regards
About The Author:

Lennart Dodoo is the News Desk Chief of FrontPage Africa Newspaper and online news magazine. He began his journalism with the Daily Observer Newspaper where he served as a judicial correspondent.  

In 2010 Lennart moved on to the INSIGHT Newspaper where he reported mostly on crimes and court cases. He also covered the Executive Mansion, the U.S Embassy, the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and other diplomatic missions in the country. He became the News Editor of the INSIGHT Newspaper and later its sister paper, FOCUS Newspaper until 2016 when he joined Front Page Africa.

Lennart also served as Presenter and lead journalist of ‘People and Society’, a pre-recorded 30-minute weekly magazine show on LIGHT TV which canvasses public and expert opinion on developing social and economic issues around Liberia.

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