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ECOWAS and UNHCR sign an agreement to strengthen refugees’ protection and address internal displacements in West Africa

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the UNHCR, The UN Refugees Agency today signed an agreement to strengthen their collaboration in protecting refugees, stateless and internally displaced persons in the region. The President of the ECOWAS Commission, H.E Dr. Omar Alieu TOURAY and the Di-rector of UNHCR Regional Bureau for West and Central Africa, Mr. Abdouraouf GNON-KONDE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to strengthen the existing co-operation between the two entities. The revised MoU includes new areas of collaboration that have emerged since the initial MoURead More

ECOWAS Commission Supports the Training of Trainers on Evidence-Based Drug Use Prevention in the Benin Republic.

The ECOWAS Commission organized a training for 30 Core Drug Prevention Professionals on Evidence-Based Prevention of Drug Use/Substance Abuse in Cotonou, the Republic of Benin from the 17th to the 21st of October 2023. The main objective of the training of trainers was to build the capacity of drug prevention pro-fessionals to improve their practices through the use evidence-based interventions to prevent children and adolescents from starting to use psychoactive substances. The training hosted under auspices of the Drug Prevention and Control Programme of the ECOWAS Directorate of Humanitarian andRead More

Reinventing maritime security: ECOWAS organizes third meeting of the subcommittee of the Chiefs of Staff of its Member States

On October 15 and 16, 2023 the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) organized the third (3rd) meeting of the Subcommittee of the Chiefs of Naval Staff of its Member States in Lomé, Togo. This highly anticipated event aimed to review and evaluate the operations and functionality of ECOWAS maritime centres, with the aim of strengthening maritime operations and combating illegal maritime activities in the region. The primary objective of this meeting is to assess the performance and efficiency of ECOWAS maritime centres, which will provide valuable information toRead More

Liberia: Weah Equates Presidential Election To Champions League

Liberian President George Weah has equated the conduct of the October 10 presidential and legislative elections to the European Champion league that calls for home and away matches. Weah, a successful footballer, whose success in France and Italy saw him winning the Ballon d’Or in 1995, said he had predicted a runoff but several of his officials assured him that he would have won the election on the first ballot. Speaking at his Forky Klon Jlaleh Family Fellowship Church, a Church he built overseas as pastor urged his supporters toRead More

“We Have Made No Decision On Run-off” …ALCOP Representative And Senatorial Candidates Disclose; Say They Are Holding Consultations To Provide Direction In The Best Interest Of Liberia And Its Citizens

Several defeated Representatives and Senatorial candidates who contested the October 10 elections on the ticket of the All Liberia Coalition Party (ALCOP) say they have not resolved to support a particular political party during the presidential run-election, despite the holding of consultations by the party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) with the governing Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and the opposition Unity Party (UP). The Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) of President George Manneh Weah and Unity Party (UP) of Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai are expected to go to the run-offRead More

ECOWAS Participates at the Round Table of the West Africa Broadcast Regulatory Authorities (WABRAN)

The President of the ECOWAS Commission H.E. Dr. Omar Alieu Touray, was represented at the Round Table of West Africa Broadcast Regulatory Authorities (WABRAN) with the theme: “West Africa Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities Network: Feasibility, Role and Objectives” by Mr. Amos Lungu, Ag. PPO Information and Communication at the ECOWAS Commission, today, October 23, 2023 in Lagos, Nigeria. The regional forum aims to foster cooperation and coordination among member broadcasting regulatory authorities for the balanced development of the broadcasting sector in West Africa; facilitate exchange of information, experiences and best practicesRead More

HIMOINSA brings together 90 attendees from more than 30 countries at the Middle East and Africa (MEA) Convention 2023 held in Spain

MÚRCIA, Spain, October 23, 2023/ — HIMOINSA (, a global leader in the design and manufacture of power technology solutions, showcased innovative power products, tools and services for the Middle East and Africa markets at the MEA Convention 2023, where it laid out possible business models and strategies for prospective stakeholders. The event, which took place in Murcia, Spain from the 3rd to the 5th of October 2023, brought together a network of dealers, partners, and industry professionals for an immersive experience showcasing HIMOINSA’s latest industrial projects, factory expansions, and innovative products. HIMOINSARead More

Liberia: President Weah Issues Proclamation Declaring Tuesday, October 24, As United Nations Day

President George Weah, has by Proclamation declared Tuesday, October 24, 2023, as “United Nations Day” and is to be observed throughout the Republic as a Working Holiday. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the observance is in recognition of the priceless contributions of the United Nations to Liberia. The Proclamation calls on all Government ministries and agencies, international organizations, the United Nations Agencies near Monrovia, Institutions of learning, and citizens in general to cooperate with the Ministry of Education in organizing appropriate programs befitting the occasion. The Proclamation is inRead More

Opening Statement of Mark Toner Nominee for U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Liberia Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

October 19, 2023 Chairman Merkley, Ranking Member Young, and Members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today as the President’s nominee to serve as the next U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Liberia. I am grateful for the trust and confidence President Biden and Secretary Blinken have placed in me with this nomination and look forward to working closely with the Members of this Committee and your staff to promote and protect U.S. interests in Liberia. I would like to begin by acknowledging myRead More

OP-ED: Why Mandingoes And Muslims Must Vote President Weah?

By: Varfley Dolleh    Introduction: In every electoral process, whether in Liberia or globally the uniqueness of societal segments, demographics, religious or tribal components become an imperative with the Mandingoes and Muslims factors in Liberia electioneering being of no exception regarding who they must vote for in the second round of the election amidst the scramble for control by the two main competitors in the race. Far from subjectivity, as a policy analyst and political scientist, it is my ardent call that Mandingoes and Muslims reject Ambassador Joseph Boakai and voteRead More